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The Problem:

Did you know that identity theft can destroy your life, ruin your credit, and damage your good name?

In fact, there's no telling what a crafty identity thief will do
when he gets his hands on your identity...


There are things you can do to help protect yourself from this crime:

What Is Identity Theft? - This article gives you a basic introduction of how identity theft works and the steps you should take to prevent it from happening to you.

Protecting Your Social - Your social security number is the most important piece of sensitive information that is used to facilitate identity theft.

Types of Identity Theft - Identity theft is not always commited in the same way. This article explains the different forms of identity theft.

Signs of Identity Theft - Learn the signs of identity theft and how to notice if you are a victim.

10 Ways To Avoid Identity Theft - How to prevent identity theft from happening to you.

Secure Your Computer - One of the easiest ways for thieves to steal your identity is getting access to your computer and then installing spyware or trojans to sniff out your passwords.

Prevent Phishing Scams - Phishing is usually in the form of an email which appears to be from a trusted source (such as Bank of America), but is really fraudulent and redirects you to a site that captures your sensitive personal information.

Sure, you're identity seems "safe"… But did you know that…

  • 27 Million Americans Were Victims of Identity Theft in the Last 5 Years!!!
  • More than 15 MILLION Identities will be stolen in 2008. That means that one identity will be stolen every 2.1 SECONDS.
  • About 500,000 children had their identities stolen last year.
  • It takes consumers close to 200 HOURS and OVER 2 YEARS to restore their identity after they've been stolen and some people are dealing with the crime FOUR YEARS LATER.
  • The average loss of funds in the case of identity theft was $3,257 in 2006, UP from $1,408 in 2005, and is expected to increase in 2008.
  • Identity thieves can cost businesses and consumers more than $50 BILLION in a year.
  • Identity theft victims are also recovering less of the lost cash. In 2005 an average of 87 PERCENT of funds were recovered; In 2006 that had dropped to 61 PERCENT. Additionally, the average loss in the opening of a fraudulent new account has more than DOUBLED over that time, from $2,678 to almost $6,000.

Your IDENTITY Is An Unlocked Treasure Chest For Criminals...

Case in Point:

Identity Thieves "Go For A Ride"
Harrison was a victim nearly four years ago, when a 20-year-old stole his identity and literally went for a ride. "Lowes, Home Depot, Sears, JC Penny, two cars from Ford, a Harley, a Kawasaki motorcycle," says Harrison, listing off the purchases made in his name. "About $265,000 in four months."
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What does this mean?
It means that your identity is no longer safe. Without protecting your identity, you are placing your life in the hands of criminals.

Why would you want to protect your identity...?
The reason why you want to protect your identity is so that NO ONE can take over your identity for their gain... and your loss.

Bottom Line: Your Identity is No Longer Safe.

Without protecting your identity, you are placing your life in the hands of criminals.

And here’s what you NEED to know…

Why We Recommend LifeLock Over the Competition...

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